Sunday, 7 October 2012

Litton Combe and Torhole Bottom

Start: On the B3114 at East Harptree
Finish: On the B3135 approaching the X-roads with Old Bristol Road
Height gain: 200m
Horizontal Distance: 8.5km
Average Gradient: 2.4%
Category: 3

I guess I didn't see this one when composing the original list of 25 as it lies partly east of the 570 easting that I was using as a boundary - but this is some climb. Granted my comments are made from hitting it 25 miles in - but not all climbs come at the start of routes.

I've raved about the climb up Litton Combe before, but then commented how the route to Green Ore cross roads was ordinary and busy with traffic. This is a way better route. Having completed that steady  haul up the beautiful valley from East Harptree up to Chewton Mendip, you turn right onto the A39 but only do about a km of it before turning right onto Cheddar Road (which becomes Torhole Bottom as it progresses). Immediately you're back into the trees, on a quiet road with a great surface. Although this is a minor road it's wide enough that the traffic can pass you without threatening to turn you into road kill (apart from careless Range Rover drivers it would appear). The pull up is punctuated by a couple of steepish steps (see summary below) before the junction with the B road brings you almost to the top. Turn right towards Cheddar and, one more climb later, you're on the top of the longest climb in the area - yes, this is longer than Cheddar Gorge.

Rating: Clearly this has to get an (almost) excellent. Not only is it the longest climb hereabouts but it has all that wonderful scenerary. The only downsides are the brief stretch on the A39 and the fact that it involves three right turns. At least waiting for any traffic to pass doesn't count as taking a rest!