Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Burrington Combe

Start: GR 477595 at junction of A368 and B3134                 Finish: GR 503573 Swymmer's Farm
Length: 4.3km     Height Gain: 212m   Max Gradient: about 1:10

After turning south from the A368, the climb kicks in almost straight away as the road rises from the meadowlands of Langford Green towards the wilder territory of the Combe. Crossing the cattle grid, the ground flattens as the road passes the old quarry workings but you can see that it will rise ahead, and rise it does. A step up to the Rock of Ages, flatter ground to follow and then a further step brings the sharp left turn where I expected the way to get harder. It doesn't. Woods on one side, open limestone moorland on the other - an idyllic setting for a perfectly reasonable climb. The road continues to rise in a series of steps so up and down the gears I went; but the climb allows you a steady rhythm. 1.3km from the sharp left bend the road veers right at a muddy car park and out of the Combe proper, over a second cattle grid. The climb is not over though, a further 70m is gained in the next 1.3km across the farmlands on the top of the Mendips before Swymmer's Farm is reached, all offering views down and north to Blagdon Lake or up and south across the tail of Black Down.

Rating: Worth doing in it's own right - not steep, but a considerable and enjoyable pull.

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