Friday, 6 January 2012

Winscombe Hill

Start: GR 413568     Finish: GR 415563
Length: 900m     Height Gain: 50m

Whilst definitely not big enough to count in the West Mendip top 25, this is a worthwhile little hill. The approach along the lane from the Winscombe Triangle (GR 415576) is pleasant - a widish lane through housing with an affluent, oldy-worldy feel. Once you pass the lane back towards the playing fields the hill kicks in. There a gentle concavity to the slope, it gets steeper as you go higher! The stretch up to the church provides the feel of a hill that you're easily conquering, steep but not critically so, but the left bend in front of the church grounds brings a steeper rise into view for a pull of 100m or so at around 1 in 6. The narrow lane under the trees, past the odd remaining cottage just requires to be pedalled up, but it gives out all too quickly and you find yourself on the level ground and then shooting down to the car park for the walkers going over Winscombe Hill to Crook Peak.

Rating: Really nice - but too short. Well worth including in a run that involves going from Banwell towards Cross and Cheddar -  a much better route than the A38 over Shute Shelve.

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